International Trade Department of Suwon City Organizes Free Event for Taiwan Businesses

Taipei, Taiwan, February 11, 2021 – The popularity of Korean culture in Taiwan coming from K-Pop music and popular television soap operas create excellent business opportunities for Taiwan business people.

On Tuesday, April 20, 2021, the International Trade Department of Suwon City of Korea will hold a business matchmaking open to Taiwan business executives interested in new partnership opportunities with top beauty & healthcare manufacturers from Suwon City.

Suwon is the capital and largest city of Gyeonggi Province, South Korea’s most populous province. With a population of 1.3 million, the town surrounds Seoul, the national capital. Major international electronics companies and a wide array of small and medium-sized businesses are based in Suwon.

The participating manufactures were handpicked by the International Trade Team of Suwon City for their company excellence and product quality.

The event will be held at the Import-Export Center in Taipei, with computers and video conference facilities provided for free. Professional Korean-Chinese translators will assist at no cost.

Following companies and products will be available for matchmaking.

Taiwan Marketing Agency Media Gate Group will manage the Taiwan facilities and organization and coordination for interested businesses from Taiwan.

“For the past 20 years, our company helped supporting many overseas marketing campaigns and events for various Taiwan government agencies. I’m enthusiastic for this opportunity to assist local companies from Taiwan in finding opportunities to grow their companies with Korean partners.”, said Mei Chang, Sales VP and Co-Founder of Media Gate Group.

Companies interested in participating in this event should register at

For more information, contact Media Gate Group at or call the company at 02 2882 5577

The organizer will keep the option to reject unsuitable applicants.

Limited seats are available, early registration is recommended.

About Media Gate Group

Media Gate Group Co. Ltd. is a Taipei, Taiwan, based agency dedicated to aiding local and international clients to transition to digital sales. The Covid-19 pandemic demonstrated to executives that it is imperative to transform their sales strategies into digital processes. Founded in 2001 as an online ad agency, Media Gate Group evolved over the years to support clients from traditional local events to digital advertising, copywriting, video production, and international public relations. Manufacturers and brands rely on the accumulated experience to let Media Gate Group engineer digital sales and business development systems using sales & marketing automation. For more information, visit

About The Department of International Trade of Suwon

The Suwon City Government established the Department of International Trade to foster trade and business opportunities between overseas businesses and local companies. Suwon is the capital and largest city of Gyeonggi Province, South Korea’s most populous province, which surrounds Seoul, the national capital. With a population of 1.3 million, it features major international electronics companies, eleven universities, and has a strong cultural heritage for sport and history.

The Department of International Trade helps local medium and small-sized companies expanding into overseas markets, finding market information, and organizes business matchmaking events. In a collaborative effort with the overseas Sister City governments, the department manages a trade website offering export assistance programs and services. For more information, visit

On September 28 & 29 visitors can visit Heises’s publishing house in Hannover to join the Smart Home exhibition and its free lectures and workshops. Editors from c’t magazine will discuss the “networked, intelligent home” with premium and technology partner eQ3.

Three main topics will be explored: Energy, Security, and Entertainment in parallel workshops during this event, covering topics like voice-controlled assistants, alarm systems, lights, cameras, heating and window blinds.

Want to be the partner of this event or more information, please contact Kayla at

2018 年起 Facebook 行銷手段日趨多元,除了基本的圖文互動外,影片及 Key Opinion Leader (KOL) 的興起,更凸顯影片行銷的重要性。2017 78% 的企業粉絲頁都上傳影片帖文,可是為什麼成功案例不多呢? 因為主題和長度,每一部影片都有一個主題當主題不明確就會造成影片內容太混亂用戶不想看。影片過長也會觀看者產生疲乏而離開不想了解內容。本篇文章將替大家歸納整理幾個常用的 Facebook 影片主題及建議的影片長度,讓辛苦製作的影片透過 Facebook,能達到相對應的價值。

Facebook 影片主題大致可分為 8 大類:

1. 形象影片 (Branding) : 公司的整體形象包裝,傳達公司核心的價值與精神。

2. 教學影片 (How To Video) : 藉由教學影片幫助消費者更快上手,因為實際的動態操作會比靜態文字來的好,特別是 Business to Customer (B2C) 的產業。不僅能讓消費者了解產品的使用方式,還能增加消費者對品牌的信任程度。

3. 熱門影片 (Trend) : 掌握時下最新潮流訊息,政治或時事議題,讓臉書讀者能融入話題進而產生更多的互動,包含按讚,留言或分享。

4. 公益影片 (Charity) : 善心捐款,愛心園遊會,和社福基金會合作等的相關公益活動,都能拍攝剪輯成不同的影片長度,透過臉書的分享,對公司的形象無疑是具有正面加分的效果。

5. 活動精彩回顧 (Event Recapture ) : 分為公司內部活動及外部活動。內部活動包括員工訓練,慶生會等,能將這些活動片段放上臉書,除了能增加員工向心力,也能替公司品牌加分;外部活動像是記者會,公司周年慶祝大會等,這類的活動影片分享在臉書上,都能成為將來公司品牌宣傳有利的一部分。

6. 抽獎好康活動影片 (Giveaway) : 說到抽獎或者優惠,最開心的莫過於粉絲們,替抽獎好康活動拍攝一支短片,上傳到臉書透過用戶們的分享,必定能替抽獎活動帶來極大的宣傳效果,尤其活動若是其他與品牌一起合作效果更甚。若是能在用臉書直播開獎結果,肯定能讓增加粉絲們的信任感並更期待下次的抽獎活動。

7. 產品或服務影片 ( Product or Service) : 這類的影片主要是曝光產品或服務的第一手資料,先吸引消費者的目光,讓他們產生期待,進而關注產品資訊。影片可以是小製作但數量要多,如此還能增加消費者對品牌產品的關注度。

8. 常見問答集影片 (FAQ) : 定期製作這類型的影片,在影片中回答消費者常見的問題以幫助公司節省部分客服的時間與人力成本,無疑也能提升和粉絲們的互動。


有鑑於 Facebook 的規定,最長不超過 120 分鐘,影片大小不能超過 4GB,每種主題的影片也有相對應適當的長度,才能讓影片內容完整傳達給粉絲們。

以公司形象影片來說,建議影片長度為 60 秒至 2 30(150 ) 。這類型的影片時間較長,主要是需要多一些時間來傳達公司的整體形象及品牌概念。

若是活動剪輯影片,建議是 30 到 2 分鐘 (120 )。內容以呈現精彩畫面為主,可以加入採訪片段,旁白配音或是配樂等元素。

像是產品類型的影片,建議長度在 30 秒到 60 秒是最好的。簡單介紹產品規格,帶出重點特色,MSRP 及上市日期,就滿足產品影片的內容條件。

最後,有了影片是需要透過廣告才能讓更多人看到,很多經典爆紅影片都經過不同廣告方式達到目標的。基本的臉書廣告影片,以 15 秒為一個計算單位,長度控制在 15~45秒,太短則訊息無法完整表達;太長觀眾會疲乏,建議以 30 秒為最佳。一般青少年在影片開始的 2~3 秒內決定要不要繼續看下去,大學生則是 7 秒,上班族在 10 秒,時間隨年齡而遞增。

看過上一篇 “超實用的 3 種方法帶你判斷 Facebook 貼文成功嗎?”的文章之後,你是不是更想知道為什麼 Facebook 分享很重要呢?

在 Facebook 的貼文,不論是粉絲頁的貼文或是其他人分享的文章,不管是公開還是私人分享,都一定會觸及到潛在的用戶客群,吸引到更多人幫你做另類的免費的曝光,只要貼文能夠持續被分享出去,其效益絕比廣告效果來的高出 3 倍之多!


1. 聳動的貼文標題


最為專業的行銷主管就必須要比底下的行銷人員更備眼觀四面,耳聽八方的功力,隨時關注最新的時事新聞話題,流行趨勢,掌握國內外大小事,絕對是行銷人必備的技能之一。唯有隨時跟上社會脈對,才能下對標題,讓人光看標題就想按下分享鍵。 還有大家千萬不要忘記一點就是標題不能太長,當標題超過20字,25% 的用戶會直接跳過。最理想的標題字數是8到10字。

2. 內容貼進你的目標族群




不管你寫的是怎麼樣的內容,請記住,內容必須對看的人是有價值的。什麼是有價值內容呢?我將會在下一篇文章解釋,這邊就簡單說明一下。 有價值內容可以是大家看覺得很好笑覺得可以分享給大家看,或者教用戶一些有用的東西。

如果不清楚自家族群怎麼辦呢?就用 Facebook insight 幫去你去了解目標群眾的喜好。每位主管想必都需要看一下數據來分析今天你的貼文受眾是否有符合預期的目標。 Facebook Insight 可以讓你清楚的看到每篇貼文的觸及人數,粉絲團整體互動性高不高,粉絲的年齡層、性別、國家及語言的分佈,都是很有參考價值的數據資料。

3. 不要一直想推銷自己 Become More Sociable

Facebook 貼文有一各大忌就是千萬不要一直推銷自己,你可以置入但不要廣告化!Facebook是社群平台是人與人互動,大家進來不是想看你寫一篇自我介紹(推銷文),而更希望是一篇有互動的貼文。不要只強調你自己的產品,主觀分析,完全沒有客觀的角度,這種讀者看了可能只會右上角X 按鈕點下去,就沒有下文了。過於商業化的貼文讀者也不會願意分享給朋友,怕朋友以為他也是在推銷某種產品。那就不會達到分享的目地。

貼文可以寫產品,但不是整篇文章都是你的產品,你可以寫個故事,最後把產品帶進去,提到一點就好,這樣反而效果會比較好。或者可在貼文結尾與讀者互動比如問一些感想,反應,意見等任何可與粉絲產生互動。你一定會想為什麼互動和引起分享? 因為人都會希望自己意見和想法有人注意到。

4. 令人眼睛為之一亮的圖片/影片



一定是那個你會一看再看,覺得驚艷的照片你才會想要分享吧! 通常我們看一個人的第一眼都是會是臉,決定要不要開口 say hi 可能也是短短 7 秒之內會決定的事情。道理就像你看到一篇 Facebook 貼文的圖片一樣,圖片有吸引你你才會願意點進去看裡面的內容,也才有會有分享的意願。



想知道更多圖片和影片的內容,可以看我們之前分享過的文章 “Facebook 貼文的影片和照片 哪種方式的點閱率最高?”

5. 抓準下廣告時機

貼文有了高分享率後,你也可以考慮下廣告。為什麼已經這麼多分享我還要花錢下廣告?其原因有 2 點:

1) 廣告費更便宜: 因為你的貼文已經被廣泛分享出去了,所以這時你在對這篇貼文下廣告,費用只會更便宜,藉由廣告的方式,讓貼文可以去觸及到更多在目標族群。假設一篇普通的貼文需要花100元才能觸及到2000人,那一篇有2000個分享的貼文,同樣花100元就能觸及到10000人,你說這個效益是不是好幾倍!

2) 找到目標族群: 貼文的分享對象可能不全是你的目標族群,這點是有可能發生的。雖然你的貼文已經被高度分享出去,但並不保證透過分享所看到的人就是你的目標族群。這時就需要下點廣告來找到你真正的目標,只有吸引對的族群來看貼文,你的貼文內容才有意義。

6. 多多觀察




Issue 11 of iX imagazine, the German magazine for IT professionals, cores among other topics how AR, VR are not only for gaming and how Microsofts develops industry applications for it’s Hololens with several partners. Applications go from maintenance, education to prototyping and medicine.

By reaching decision makers like CIO’s, IT directors, developers and system administrators in the German industry, iX is a great source to market business solutions.

iX also releases its 4th Datacenters and Infrastructure special insert. This quarterly insert is a great source for companies with products for the datacenter market. The editorial content of this issue covers:

  • A study on efficiency technologies that make use of German data centers
  • The energy costs produced by wind power that drive data centers
  • The event when containers put security at risk
  • How much energy that one can save when using chillers with water
  • How compact modern ODF-Solutions are packed
  • Which errors are caused by Network designs
  • The variants that RZ-Outsourcing provides

Other exciting aspects and new trends in the IT industry that iX covers in this issue are:

  • Amazon offering Elastic Beanstalk services that bundles offers that include computing and load balancing as managed services
  • Why digitalization is the main topic for this month’s issue and why there is a need to create the Chief Data Officer in a company
  • How the DSGVO can affect big data applications and what you can do to make sure that you’re on the right side of the law


About iX: iX is a monthly magazine specifically made for IT professionals who are looking for the latest trends and potential investments in the industry. Among the broad range of topics include an in-depth discussion of networks, software development, computer systems and other specialized topics written by editors and writers who are programmers, application developers and system and network administrators themselves. iX is currently being read and enjoyed by CIOs or relevant people who belong to the managing board in the data center, organization, data processing and telecommunication businesses.

Interested in getting more from iX or do you want your company advertised in iX? Don’t wait, contact us now and we’d be more than happy to accommodate you!

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Nowadays, our life is connected and combine with artificial intelligence more than you thought. From your smart phone, home appliances, or even to Lego blocks— more and more products can be linked with the application of artificial intelligence. One of the most commonly heard personal assistant is “siri” invented by Apple. However, do you know that, in fact, Amazon and Google have their own personal assistants for their products too? The latest issue of c’t magazine will be introducing in detail on different personal assistants from a few well-known brands. Furthermore, other application of artificial intelligence and newest technology information will also be highlighted!

The c’t issuse 22/17 Topic Preview

Gamer’s Delight
The latest and greatest gaming monitors feature record response times down to 1 ms and refresh rates up to 240 Hz. The displays prevent micro stuttering with FreeSync and G-Sync. On top of that they provide different color profiles for different games. Add to that a built-in headphone rest and you will see why your kids desperately “need” one our contestants from 24 to 27 inches and HD to QHD.

Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, Cortana
The four personal assistants from Amazon, Apple, Google and Microsoft appear to be know-it-alls. They have an answer to just about every question and help their owners in many different ways – all thanks to AI. c’t highlights the differences between them and reviews devices from other manufacturers, too.

Laptops with Core i5 and SSDs
Our current recommendation: a new Notebook should at least have a Core i5 CPU and a solid state disk. In our labs some of the latest models with quite reasonable price tags had to prove what they are capable of.

AI with Lego
How does a neural network figure out what kind of items comes next on the factory assembly line? We have built a tiny factory with Lego Mindstorms EV3. And using the framework Tensor Flow by Google we trained a neural network that is small enough to run on the smart Lego bricks.

Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
On October 17th the next edition of Windows 10 will come to millions of desktop PCs. c’t evaluates the new features and guides you through the jungle of license models and upgrade paths. Least but not last we put the new security feature under tough scrutiny.

The magazine will be issued in October 14th, 2017.

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Nowadays, our life is connected and combine with artificial intelligence more than you thought. From your smart phone, home appliances, or even to Lego blocks— more and more products can be linked with the application of artificial intelligence. One of the most commonly heard personal assistant is “siri” invented by Apple. However, do you know that, in fact, Amazon and Google have their own personal assistants for their products too? The latest issue of c’t magazine will be introducing in detail on different personal assistants from a few well-known brands. Furthermore, other application of artificial intelligence and newest technology information will also be highlighted!

The c’t issuse 22/17 Topic Preview

Gamer’s Delight
The latest and greatest gaming monitors feature record response times down to 1 ms and refresh rates up to 240 Hz. The displays prevent micro stuttering with FreeSync and G-Sync. On top of that they provide different color profiles for different games. Add to that a built-in headphone rest and you will see why your kids desperately “need” one our contestants from 24 to 27 inches and HD to QHD.

Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, Cortana
The four personal assistants from Amazon, Apple, Google and Microsoft appear to be know-it-alls. They have an answer to just about every question and help their owners in many different ways – all thanks to AI. c’t highlights the differences between them and reviews devices from other manufacturers, too.

Laptops with Core i5 and SSDs
Our current recommendation: a new Notebook should at least have a Core i5 CPU and a solid state disk. In our labs some of the latest models with quite reasonable price tags had to prove what they are capable of.

AI with Lego
How does a neural network figure out what kind of items comes next on the factory assembly line? We have built a tiny factory with Lego Mindstorms EV3. And using the framework Tensor Flow by Google we trained a neural network that is small enough to run on the smart Lego bricks.

Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
On October 17th the next edition of Windows 10 will come to millions of desktop PCs. c’t evaluates the new features and guides you through the jungle of license models and upgrade paths. Least but not last we put the new security feature under tough scrutiny.

The magazine will be issued in October 14th, 2017.

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Nowadays, our life is connected and combine with artificial intelligence more than you thought. From your smart phone, home appliances, or even to Lego blocks— more and more products can be linked with the application of artificial intelligence. One of the most commonly heard personal assistant is “siri” invented by Apple. However, do you know that, in fact, Amazon and Google have their own personal assistants for their products too? The latest issue of c’t magazine will be introducing in detail on different personal assistants from a few well-known brands. Furthermore, other application of artificial intelligence and newest technology information will also be highlighted!

The c’t issuse 22/17 Topic Preview

Gamer’s Delight
The latest and greatest gaming monitors feature record response times down to 1 ms and refresh rates up to 240 Hz. The displays prevent micro stuttering with FreeSync and G-Sync. On top of that they provide different color profiles for different games. Add to that a built-in headphone rest and you will see why your kids desperately “need” one our contestants from 24 to 27 inches and HD to QHD.

Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, Cortana
The four personal assistants from Amazon, Apple, Google and Microsoft appear to be know-it-alls. They have an answer to just about every question and help their owners in many different ways – all thanks to AI. c’t highlights the differences between them and reviews devices from other manufacturers, too.

Laptops with Core i5 and SSDs
Our current recommendation: a new Notebook should at least have a Core i5 CPU and a solid state disk. In our labs some of the latest models with quite reasonable price tags had to prove what they are capable of.

AI with Lego
How does a neural network figure out what kind of items comes next on the factory assembly line? We have built a tiny factory with Lego Mindstorms EV3. And using the framework Tensor Flow by Google we trained a neural network that is small enough to run on the smart Lego bricks.

Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
On October 17th the next edition of Windows 10 will come to millions of desktop PCs. c’t evaluates the new features and guides you through the jungle of license models and upgrade paths. Least but not last we put the new security feature under tough scrutiny.

The magazine will be issued in October 14th, 2017.

大家都會觀察競爭對手動向特別是行銷部門一定會注意粉絲頁面上的新聞活動優惠社群廣告熱門議題。。。等不同類型帖文。 看到對手比你好的時候一定會馬上覺得 WHY!到底他們怎麼做到的,其實有Four WHY

WHY ONE: 為什麼他們讚比我多?

大家很容易進入一個盲點那就是讚多很重要,其實是不對的。在 Facebook 上按讚是最容易得到的,我們可以下廣告給無關緊要的粉絲只要重視廣告費便宜就下以達到上千的讚,也可以輕輕鬆鬆到“買讚網”買,在不行我們可以去“互讚社團”互相按。 這些都可以輕鬆馬上達到你的需求。所以不要相信對手讚多覺得很厲害,而是要研究一下我們可以看按的人是否為產品的族群,還是奇奇怪怪的人比如:以台灣地區的帖文如果有很多外國人像越南緬甸菲律賓印尼馬來西亞等其他東南亞國家,這就是廣告下來便宜讚完全沒有用的(除非他們是你的 TA),不然就是大家可以發現到按的人本身都在經營一個頁面的時候就是互相讚社團進來的。定期檢查一下按粉絲是否有這些問題, 也不要看到一篇多貼文就心痛因為它有可能是假的。知名社群行銷網站 AD Week 說過 “quality matters more than quantity有質量的讚才是重要的!

WHY TWO: 為什麼分享很重要?

分享很重要,分享很重要,分享很重要,不是自己粉絲頁分享是你的粉絲分享,不管是公開分享還是私人分享都很重要。因為不管是公開還是私人都會觸及到人,都會有機會吸引免費粉絲並且會比一般買廣告比例高 3 倍!

分享就是有人免費的幫你下廣告概念,看到喜歡的信息分享給親朋好友。你一定想這和廣告有什麼關係?其實道理很簡單就是廣告你花錢給人看,而分享就是免費給人義。 可是不是每一貼文都會有人分享的。會分享的文章很多是議題,抽獎,好康,這些類別為主,所以不要以為什為所有類型的文章都會有人分享,除非你今天提供很厲害產品議題(手機變成無人機驚人產品效果藝人效應。。)。每一個成功分享文都花很長時間想出來的還是會有一些意外分享文只是比例很低。這邊提供一個 Help 給各位行銷人員多看話題性新聞融入到你的貼文。當對手貼文有很多分享你要做什麼呢?千萬不要馬上抄要抄也要過一陣子。我們分為二種角度來看,如果你是主管可以問問大家為什麼會有那麼多分享是原因,未來納入行銷案例,如果你是專員也是一樣找出原因未來納入自己想法在提供給上司或者給自己用。知名商業網站 說過“social share is important for business企業要重視社群分享。

WHY THREE: 為什麼留言是互動率最重要環節?

留言和分享是一樣免費廣告,道理一樣公開或者私人都會有人看到並且留言就是互動!當粉絲留言就是想發表他的想法不管是好與壞都是好!不要看到負面留言馬上刪除只要不是國罵,侮辱,十八禁都可以保留下來。每個粉絲對你的產品看法都不同,這個時候是就知道下一代產品需要什麼改進,客服是否有做到,特別當有奧客留言就十分適合推廣一下因為是人都喜歡看特別你還願意幫助這些奧客(如果沒有太過分)將會是 Plus。處理負面留言對任何一家公司都很重要,所以不要不處理。留言是全部互動中最重要的因為人喜歡交流互動! Scott AyresFacebook All In One For Dummies 作家)說過”There’s one type of fan engagement you should be aiming at above all others is Comments!

WHY FOUR: 為什麼為什麼為什麼?

為什麼會有一篇 ”為什麼為什麼為什麼”的標題, 因為如果上面 Three WHY 沒有幫助到你那麼這裡就是告訴你貴公司內部需要改革,需要革命,需要改變。很多公司最容易碰到的是行銷團隊人數不足需要做的事過多而無法完成只是快快做馬上交上去就去執行。這就會間接造成失敗,今天我們一好的社群行銷企劃是需要很多人一起合作構想的,正常一個行銷團隊會有二位社群小編,一位美術,和一位主管。 大家會很好奇為什麼要二位社群小編對不對,因為可以形成 AB 測試狀態。 A B 想法一定不同很少一致的這樣會火花的互動才有創新主題。獨立美術人員很重要千萬不要想讓你的小編變成你的定期美術人員來省錢因為這就關係到你的圖片品質哦。 所以行銷團隊最少最少要4人小隊如果公司沒有無法提供那麼建議你請 part time 或者外包出去。


看完了 4 WHY 應該不難發現行銷入門簡單要專精就需要很多時間來成長和學習如何團隊合作的,沒有爛行銷只有懶行銷! 行銷就是要天天想天天看天天練習有一天你也會成為行銷大師。


Lead Author: Tommy Wu – Social Media Marketing Specialist (

Co Author: Kayla Lee (


我想不熟悉或是剛接觸這一塊領域的人, 亦或是在做行銷身邊的朋友,總是覺得發 Facebook 貼文很簡單啊!這份工作也太輕鬆了吧!只要隨便找照片找影片打一些想表達的話就可以了,為何還要找什麼小編、找行銷人員呢?是的沒錯,要發文很簡單,但發的文有沒有達到效果以及有沒有人看就不是那麼簡單了!今天要來討論的是發照片好呢?還是影片好?

近期 Facebook 陸陸續續推大家發影片,影片確實是好的,可以錄一個故事也能傳達我們所想表達的感情和風格,像是一個背包,如果用影片來讓大家看到不同角度的背包和它的夾層與功能,再配上可以裝多少物品的影片,我想應該很多人看過類似的影片了,這真的讓消費者看的再清楚不過了,也會讓人想購買的衝動!這時你是不是覺得影片當然勝過照片呀!

但其實不以為然,影片確實在很多時候會吸引不少人去觀看及點閱,滑著 Facebook 時看到影片都會不時地停留看一下,但影片卻讓消費者快速地決定了你的產品生死了!為什麼我這樣說呢?因為當我被這影片吸引再看它時,如果我看完後,我看到不是我要的,或是看完了沒有興趣,我是不會想要再點進你的網頁甚至考慮要不要購買!反之,若我是喜歡這影片及產品的人,當然會二話不說地點選進入網頁購買。

再來就是影片製作成本較高,同時需要腳本撰寫,錄影,剪輯,這些都是需要時間和金錢來做的。影片沒有到達你的要求就間接造成整個企劃的失敗。 很多時候影片可以直接用簡單輕鬆的方式來帶入你要強調的內容,Facebook 影片最重要的就是腳本內容,因為錄影門檻很低,現在一台手機就可以錄製 1080P 60FPS 的影片。


近期 Facebook 也提供圖片剪輯功能,這點很關鍵,因為現在照片也可以加入一些獨特的文字和表情符號,來增加用戶停留的機會是很重要的。

Security has been a concern for individual or corporations network users recently. Users are under the threat of hackers, malware, and viruses and the ways to spread them are also changing and unpredictable. Even though the innovative technology bring us convenience, without enhanced security products and services users may still be deterred. iX magazine’s latest issue by Heise will be delivering the in-depth introduction of security services. In addition, it will also introduce “digital transformation” and “Java 9”, which have been the hot topics lately. These are the latest technology trends cannot be missed out.

Issue 10/17 Topic preview

Market overview: Security as a Service
Security specialist knowledge about malware, log analysis, patch management or awareness training is not available in SMEs. In this breach jumped providers of managed security services. Tips for the selection of the supplier as well as a provider overview provides the market overview.

Software development: Java 9 is here
With Version 9, Java finally gets the modular Jigsaw system, which is expected by many developers. iX reveals how the new module system works and what else Java developers expect.

Corporate Strategy: Digitization
Everyone is talking about digitization and digital transformation, but what does this mean for companies? In the first part of a series of articles, iX examined whether digitization really needs to be a matter of top priority.

Customer Relationship Management: CRM and ML
Artificial intelligence and machine learning can not only make customer relationship management better but also more cost-effective. However, the emotionally staggered, ironic utterances are still stumbling.

iX extra Security: trends and products for it-sa
The digital transformation, and thus the Internet of Things, is a major challenge for security companies. And also the Ransomware problem is not solved long ago. iX reports what the security industry is presenting at it-sa.

Issue date: Sept 28, 2017