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Nowadays, our life is connected and combine with artificial intelligence more than you thought. From your smart phone, home appliances, or even to Lego blocks— more and more products can be linked with the application of artificial intelligence. One of the most commonly heard personal assistant is “siri” invented by Apple. However, do you know that, in fact, Amazon and Google have their own personal assistants for their products too? The latest issue of c’t magazine will be introducing in detail on different personal assistants from a few well-known brands. Furthermore, other application of artificial intelligence and newest technology information will also be highlighted!

The c’t issuse 22/17 Topic Preview

Gamer’s Delight
The latest and greatest gaming monitors feature record response times down to 1 ms and refresh rates up to 240 Hz. The displays prevent micro stuttering with FreeSync and G-Sync. On top of that they provide different color profiles for different games. Add to that a built-in headphone rest and you will see why your kids desperately “need” one our contestants from 24 to 27 inches and HD to QHD.

Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, Cortana
The four personal assistants from Amazon, Apple, Google and Microsoft appear to be know-it-alls. They have an answer to just about every question and help their owners in many different ways – all thanks to AI. c’t highlights the differences between them and reviews devices from other manufacturers, too.

Laptops with Core i5 and SSDs
Our current recommendation: a new Notebook should at least have a Core i5 CPU and a solid state disk. In our labs some of the latest models with quite reasonable price tags had to prove what they are capable of.

AI with Lego
How does a neural network figure out what kind of items comes next on the factory assembly line? We have built a tiny factory with Lego Mindstorms EV3. And using the framework Tensor Flow by Google we trained a neural network that is small enough to run on the smart Lego bricks.

Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
On October 17th the next edition of Windows 10 will come to millions of desktop PCs. c’t evaluates the new features and guides you through the jungle of license models and upgrade paths. Least but not last we put the new security feature under tough scrutiny.

The magazine will be issued in October 14th, 2017.

Lorem accumsan molestie auctor congue purus velit proin massa sagittis venenatis venenatis eleifend velit mauris molestie orci ut congue proin massa adipiscing congue eros lacus lacus non hendrerit blandit massa sit blandit laoreet lorem sed curabitur lacinia sagittis eu nunc curabitur accumsan curabitur imperdiet lacinia massa ut volutpat curabitur sed

Lorem sagittis porttitor lorem elit eros lacus amet orci curabitur orci vel eleifend auctor nec eleifend quis quisque eros consectetur sed lorem nunc mauris curabitur eros adipiscing porttitor dolor quisque elit molestie praesent elit molestie eros volutpat sed nec hendrerit dolor vel imperdiet nunc nec hendrerit congue odio vel eleifend

Nowadays, our life is connected and combine with artificial intelligence more than you thought. From your smart phone, home appliances, or even to Lego blocks— more and more products can be linked with the application of artificial intelligence. One of the most commonly heard personal assistant is “siri” invented by Apple. However, do you know that, in fact, Amazon and Google have their own personal assistants for their products too? The latest issue of c’t magazine will be introducing in detail on different personal assistants from a few well-known brands. Furthermore, other application of artificial intelligence and newest technology information will also be highlighted!

The c’t issuse 22/17 Topic Preview

Gamer’s Delight
The latest and greatest gaming monitors feature record response times down to 1 ms and refresh rates up to 240 Hz. The displays prevent micro stuttering with FreeSync and G-Sync. On top of that they provide different color profiles for different games. Add to that a built-in headphone rest and you will see why your kids desperately “need” one our contestants from 24 to 27 inches and HD to QHD.

Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, Cortana
The four personal assistants from Amazon, Apple, Google and Microsoft appear to be know-it-alls. They have an answer to just about every question and help their owners in many different ways – all thanks to AI. c’t highlights the differences between them and reviews devices from other manufacturers, too.

Laptops with Core i5 and SSDs
Our current recommendation: a new Notebook should at least have a Core i5 CPU and a solid state disk. In our labs some of the latest models with quite reasonable price tags had to prove what they are capable of.

AI with Lego
How does a neural network figure out what kind of items comes next on the factory assembly line? We have built a tiny factory with Lego Mindstorms EV3. And using the framework Tensor Flow by Google we trained a neural network that is small enough to run on the smart Lego bricks.

Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
On October 17th the next edition of Windows 10 will come to millions of desktop PCs. c’t evaluates the new features and guides you through the jungle of license models and upgrade paths. Least but not last we put the new security feature under tough scrutiny.

The magazine will be issued in October 14th, 2017.

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Heise Job簡介

Heise重整了原屬於自己的線上求職媒合系統”Heise Job”,讓此一線上求職媒合系統變的讓ITC產業的(資訊.科技與通信)求職者,在閱讀上更簡單也更為友善。由其是在技術人員短缺的這個時間點更顯為重要。



Heise Download現況介紹

流量 ( 2017年1月):
網頁瀏覽量為: 72,4513 (資料來源:IVW認證機構)


Heise Download提供了各式各樣的軟體下載,從免費的檔案管理工具到訂單流程解決方案等,以上眾多軟體亦可直接向軟體廠商作購買。

Heise Download約有27,000個分類,有辦公室使用之軟體、遊戲軟體、網路系統軟體等..都可以透過便利的搜尋功能找到適合的軟體。也可以從熱門下載、特殊用途、下載排名和使用者回饋等,幫助使用者找到軟體。

除了Windows、Mac 和Linus作業系統外,各種適用於蘋果iPhone 、Android系統的智慧型手機、或者是黑莓機、NOKIA的Symbian手機、及Windows作業系統的手機等應用程式,在Heise Download上也都可以被找的到。


Heise Download現況介紹

流量 ( 2017年1月):
網頁瀏覽量為: 6,230,424 (資料來源:IVW認證機構)

涵蓋範圍(資料來源:AGOF 2016年12月數位現況使用調查報告):
Heise Security: 801,000 (不重覆拜訪人次)


*適用於Windows/ Mac OS/ Linus/ Smartphone的軟體
*軟體下載:聲音和影片 / 相片和圖像 / 休閒娛樂 / 行動裝置.傳真和公司行號 / 網際網路 / 網路與伺服器 / 辦公室作業系統 / 程式設計 / 安全 / 遊戲 /系統軟體 / 科學與科技 等類別

Heise Developer線上媒體簡介

Heise Developer頻道的內容是由科技專業雜誌-i’X所管理,以軟體發展社群為目標,並撰寫軟體及網頁開發等相關關鍵性議題。Heise的開發人員注重程式語言和科技專案管理的新趨勢及其發展與標準。並介紹重要的開發工具和說明如何操作這些工具。更進一步探討的主題是有關於軟體開發時,軟體的架構和方法,例如:靈活的設計與開發流程和設計模式。

Heise Developer現況介紹
流量 ( 2017年1月):
網頁瀏覽量為: 1,332,871 (資料來源:IVW認證機構)

涵蓋範圍(資料來源:AGOF 2016年12月數位現況使用調查報告):
Heise Security: 115,000 (不重覆拜訪人次)





Heise Developer現況介紹
流量 ( 2017年1月):
網頁瀏覽量為: 346,985 (資料來源:IVW認證機構)

涵蓋範圍(資料來源:AGOF 2016年12月數位現況使用調查報告):
Heise TechStage:69,000 (不重覆拜訪人次)





TELEPOLIS提供一個讀者論壇的空間,讓每一篇文章可以讓想討論此一議題的人可以有發表爭議性看法的地方。眾所皆知TELEPOLIS是HEISE線上雜誌其中之一,因為它特別之處在於全球Echelon監聽系統(Echelon為一非官方承認的美國領導之全球間碟網路,監聽和傳播電子通信全自動系統)、全球監聽系統(Echelon)的Enfopol拓展計劃文件、或是他關於著作權法律的文章報導。還有特別之處在於Mathias Brockers提出的911事件陰謀論所引起的外界矚目。

從2000年Heise媒體出版了一系列的特刊書籍,自2012年TELEPOLIS 也出版了電子書,舉例來說內容就涵蓋了性別歧視、尋找月球.火星.太陽系以及其化地區等非地球的外星人物品。

流量 ( 2017年1月):
網頁瀏覽量為: 11,569,227 (資料來源:IVW認證機構)

涵蓋範圍(資料來源:AGOF 2016年12月數位現況使用調查報告):
Heise online TELEPOLIS: 399,000 (不重覆拜訪人次)



Heise Security提供了最新且更精確的科技安全資訊。從最新的安全新聞摘要(專門報導新聞的版面),到Heise Security 額外提供了安全相關背景資訊,包含了實際操作面、關鍵訣竅及相關產品(例如:病毒防護、安全詞彙庫、安全調查及安全產品列表)等進一步的訊息。

此外,Heise Security還提供了特別的服務項目,像c’t瀏覽器的檢查(包含配置說明、展示出漏洞)。Heise Security 的目標族群從末端使用者,拓展到需要關注於安全議題的科技專業人士和安全專家等。

Heise Security現況介紹
流量 ( 2017年1月):
網頁瀏覽量為: 4,172,675 (資料來源:IVW認證機構)

涵蓋範圍(資料來源:AGOF 2016年12月數位現況使用調查報告):
Heise Security: 347,000 (不重覆拜訪人次)



Technology Review媒體簡介

Technology Review是一本麻省理工學院授權Heise媒體於德國獨家發行的雜誌,從2003開始至今。TR重點在於創新科技和創新科技對於經濟的影響層面。TR提供了最新趨勢的知識與方向,並定義市場有哪些創新的機會。例如在資訊科技、生物科技、能源、機器人及行動產業等等..


流量 ( 2017年1月):
網頁瀏覽量為: 1,734,478 (資料來源:IVW認證機構)

涵蓋範圍(資料來源:AGOF 2016年12月數位現況使用調查報告):
Heise Technology Review: 185,000 (不重覆拜訪人次)






流量 ( 2017年1月):
網頁瀏覽量為: 1,362,420 (資料來源:IVW認證機構)

涵蓋範圍(資料來源:AGOF 2016年12月數位現況使用調查報告):
Heise online i’X: 197,000 (不重覆拜訪人次)



Mac & i雜誌簡介


Heise媒體為了趕上此一趨勢潮流,所以出刊的Mac & i的雜誌詳細報導世界各地關於蘋果的最新新聞訊息,
從有關最新的MAC、iPhones 和iPads機型,到最新的Apps及蘋果配件等。而Mac&i即時發報專欄也將提供更多即時且重要的活動資訊,因此享有即高的知名度及聲譽。而擁有豐富經驗的編輯用獨到見解來分析未來趨勢。編輯也會用批判方式來比較其他生產同類型廠商的產品與蘋果的產品,並將相關市場資訊給蘋果的使用者。


Mac & i現況介紹

流量 ( 2017年1月):
網頁瀏覽量為: 4,392,612 (資料來源:IVW認證機構)

涵蓋範圍(資料來源:AGOF 2016年12月數位現況使用調查報告):
Heise Mac & i: 284,000 (不重覆拜訪人次)

