經濟部工業局(Industry Development Bureau of Ministry of Economic Affaires)為了落實我國產業結構優化轉型,發展經濟願景,近年在政策努力推動「新南向政策」中,發展策略中以「智慧物聯、服務創新、系統整合、跨領域技術合作等」為主軸,重新定位我國產業轉型方向。其中在經濟部工業局扮演相當重要的角色來扶持我國產業轉型服務技術能量,以期讓我國產業創造更高的附加價值。

隨著全球智慧聯網創新技術的精進與市場應用需求的擴增,把握「東南亞馬來西亞 智慧城市與智慧聯網應用商機」顯得相當重要,也將為產業帶來更多裝置、系統加值服務性的整合需求,以及快速發展各式各樣的應用服務。當全球都在討論「物聯網」技術發展之際,對臺灣的資通訊廠商而言,都是爭取創造商機的機會。根據資策會研究,全球已啟動或在建置的城市智慧聯網計畫已達一千多個,遍及亞洲、歐洲及美洲各地,並以每年近20%複合增長率成長,預估全球智慧聯網產值在2016年將達6,200億美元,顯示出智慧聯網技術及應用產業的可觀商機。

近年來在馬來西亞政府政策實施下,充分體現規劃發展智慧城市智慧聯網連結於生活環境上的應用服務上,建立「創新革命應用 推動智慧城市物聯網商機合作」,並透過通推小組輔導產業對於跨領域整合創新服務,建構智慧聯網商務服務模式、解決方案與平台,提升國內商業服務產業的智慧化創新應用及服務能量,打造「智慧物聯網、智慧能源、智慧家庭、智慧農業、智慧醫療」等全方位新體驗技術,將可吸引國際場域對於物聯網發展創新服務可形成獲利的商業模式,進而促成業者與國際大廠廠商共同合作於物聯網商機的整體發展商機。


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The German Audit Bureau of Circulation (IVW) released the latest audit data for Q2 2017.

The latest numbers show that c’t magazine leads the market , with a total of 246’305 copies sold through subscriptions and newsstand sales, over 50 thousand more than the second contender ComputerBild, which is also targeting a different audience.

A similar situation shows for the more specialized iX magazine targeting computer professionals. Below graph shows the comparison of similar publications in the German market targeting IT professionals.

While above numbers are based on hard fact of copies sold, an even more interesting research result was published by Allensbach Media Market Analysis (AWA), one of the most important media market research firms in Germany.

This research does not focus on the actual copies sold, but on the analysis how many people actually read the publications.

The study is comparing reach in 2016 and 2017 and interestingly is showing that c’t magazine mentioned earlier is bucking the trend of declining of readership.

While other publications have high decrease in reach, maybe as readers can find similar information on the Internet, the reach of c’t is actually increasing.

This shows that the in depth and high authority content by the large editorial team by the Heise publishing group cannot be easily copied by online media. Readers seem to be noticing that.

It looks like 2017 is an interesting year for the German print publishers and we will be all looking forward for the next quarterly report.

iX Magazine is a monthly magazine focused on IT professionals and trends, and it is distributed worldwide as a print and pdf edition. Special inserts appear every month and focus on key elements of the industry, with deep technological topics updated quarterly

The data center & Infrastructure special insert for iX Magazine targets IT professionals, management, and decision makers and informs them about the latest in data center and cloud technology. This quarterly special, for the August 2017 issue is an excellent opportunity to get exposure with over 150.000 people working in your related field.

This special is a 24-page full-color insert which is spread with the iX magazine as well as being made available online as PDF for maximum exposure.
Read back issues of the Data center & Infrastructure specials here: Data center & Infrastructure back catalog (PDF)

Data centers and Infrastructure

Servers, cables, and cloud computing

Editorial content covered in this special issue:

Internet of Things.
Discover how small data centers work with edge intelligence to process data. With IoT technology rapidly evolving, we see data storage and processing happening more and more at the edge of the network. This requires more processing power and storage at the edge but greatly increases the versatility of IoT solutions

Managed Services
Co-location services can be an excellent choice for small businesses, without the need for costly investment and the looming worry of disaster recovery, utilizing a co-location service provides the comfort of reliability and service while taking away the costly investment of preparations for expansions should the need be there.

Cable management
Why Rittal is committed to start-up PatchBox. PatchBox, an Austrian start-up that focuses on rack cable management. PatchBox delivers more than a cleaner look, and simpler documentation it also speeds up installation and replacement in just a few minutes, whereas traditional racks would take over eight times longer to finish.

Big Data
How disruptive technologies receive high resistance in your organization. Any change is perceived with skepticism, especially when it involves an evolution in the hardware and software we use in daily business. Businesses that have adopted big data early have thrived, so why is your organization not following suit?

Open Source
Why the Linux community is more secure. The benefit of the open-source nature of Linux is the fact that anyone can read the code and suggest fixes, or highlight concerns. This has led to a higher-class of security on Linux, by default as it set higher standards and is not influenced by the legacy architecture of many Windows applications.

What are the security risks of running container services like Docker? Docker can be used very safely and is generally more secure than a VM or bare metal solution. Learn how to elevate your Docker security by preventing Kernel exploits, container breakouts, fend of DoS attacks, and guard against poisoned images.

Cloud network
How software-defined networks provide BoD (Bandwidth on Demand.) BoD changes how peak-traffic is handled, whereas it previously was set-up through the added complexity of MPLS networks for mission critical systems, today BoD software scales up network capacity when needed, and down when it’s not needed.

Data centers and infrastructure is a quarterly iX magazine special for everyone that is professionally involved with today’s and tomorrow’s data centers, reach 155.000 data center professionals worldwide.

most pressing topics handled in each special issue:

  • Network management, cabling, and infrastructure
  • Cloud trends and the latest developments in data storage, security, and processing
  • Visionary technological developments
  • New developments in data center cooling
  • New construction, upgrades, expansion, and modernization of data centers
  • back-up, fail-safe and recovery solutions
  • data center physical entry and security
  • Monitoring and power saving technologies

Various advertisement options are available in iX magazine, from two-page spreads to any quarter of a page.

You can still get your advertisement in if you act fast, as the cutoff date for acknowledging any advertisement is July 10th, ads need to be supplied by July 12th